Thursday, September 17, 2009

Back in the water

After some keel work and a coat of bottom paint the Tbird is back in the water. She's actually been back in the water for about a month now, I just haven't taken the time to update the blog. In that past month I've been taking care of odds and ends in preparation for the North Point Race on September 19. And sailing.

I put on the best looking main from the inventory that came with the boat. It looks old and tired, but it appears to be holding its shape well enough to use and abuse for a little while longer. On the other hand the racing genoa, a UK Halsey tape drive sail, looks like it probably won't survive much longer. The first big wind may just carry off what's left of the mylar, leaving me with a load path doily.

Autumn is on it's way, evidenced by some rainy days and cooler tempuratures, and on one of those rainy days I spent some quality time sitting in the cabin observing where water was finding its way into the boat. The next day, thankfully a sunny one, I traveled around the outside of the boat sealing up points of intrusion. I believe I was able to seal them all, all but the mast. Any suggestion on keeping water from working its way down the mast is appreciated.

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